The 25th annual North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL–25) will be held at the University of Michigan from Friday, 21 June 2013 to Sunday, 23 June 2013 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. NACCL is the largest conference on Chinese linguistics in North America, held at a different North American university each year, and it draws international participation. To save on accommodation, coupon is available.
Abstracts are invited for 20-minute talks (plus 10 minutes for discussion) in all research areas of Chinese linguistics: theoretical, experimental, and applied. Abstracts should be submitted online no later than 11:59 pm, Friday, 15 March 2013. For details on submitting abstracts, please go to the Call for Papers page. The languages of the conference are English and Chinese.
Information on previous conferences can be found on the permanent NACCL site at ; also available, beginning with the 2008 meeting, are NACCL Proceedings Online .
Confirmed participants:
- Maria BITTNER, Rutgers University
- Marjorie CHAN (陈洁雯), The Ohio State University
- W. South COBLIN (柯蔚南), University of Iowa
- Yinghong DONG (董颖红), Minzu University of China
- Di JIANG (江荻), Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
- Yen-Hwei LIN (林燕慧), Michigan State University
- Laurent SAGART (沙加尔), Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l’Asie Orientale, Paris
- Wuyun PAN (潘悟云), Shanghai Normal University
- James H.-Y. TAI (戴浩一), National Chung Cheng University
- Jeroen WIEDENHOF (卫玉龙), Leiden University
- Alan YU (余梓麟), University of Chicago
NACCL–25 Organizing Committee:
- William BAXTER (白一平), Chair
- Mike OPPER (欧迈珂), Secretary
- San DUANMU (端木三), faculty member
- Yan DONG (董岩), Ph.D. candidate